Thursday 8 April 2010

Still hanging on in there!

Hello Guys,

Well here I am still warm and cosy in Mummy's tummy... and to be honest a little reluctant to leave! Well I don't want for anything...I enjoy a range of yummy foods and drinks..(I recently had a lot of chocolate which was great!) I have lots of lovely belly rubs and massages...and people talking to me telling me they can't wait to meet me!! But I know that this experience will have to come to an end shortly by me making an exit or being asked to leave!!

I heard Mummy and Daddy talking with the Midwife yesterday and she said that the last date I would definately be making my appearance to the world would be 2 weeks Friday. I hear that is a famous day for a fella named George...mmmmh that would be cool...would I be famous too?...

I don't think Mummy wants me to stay in for another two weeks (not that she hasn't enjoyed me in her tummy) but last night she hardly slept a wink...with backache and needing the toilet lots. I try not to press down on her bladder but it really is getting quite tight in here! So this morning when Daddy left for work Mummy and I came downstairs and snuggled on the sofa with the duvet. She had a little cheeky snooze but I don't mind because when Mummy is relaxed I am too! Well everyone is always telling her to get her sleep in now anyway!

It's not just Mummy that wouldn't want me to stay in for another two weeks, Daddy everyday is asking me to come out because he wants to meet me. He tells me all the things that we will do together as a family! Its quite funny because when Mummy rings him he panics thinking I am on my way, when all Mummy is asking if he will be home on time for tea!

The phone is always ringing with Nuna and Pops and Uncle Mikey and Aunty Jos asking if Mummy is okay! Apparently I need to leave before Sunday as Uncle Mikey, Aunty Jos and my cousin Lucy go back to Germany. Then Uncle Mikey goes on exercise for four weeks so it be a long wait before he gets to cuddle me for the first time...So I guess I better start making some preparations....

Well I'm off, starting to feel a little peckish after my snooze and Mummy says we are going to have some fun baking this afternoon!

See you all soon,

Lots of love Peanut xxxx

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